27 March 2009

Free for All Friday No. 29

Have a great weekend and comment on any subject you wish!



  1. Hey,
    every Day I´m looking forward to read this blog, i´s great.
    I´got my first Filo 5 years ago, it was a brown Metropol.
    Now I´m using a Personal Barock in Pink, don´t know if it´s available in the UK, I think not.
    I bought it a month ago, it has really soft leather at the outside, and at the inside, a stronger leather with a Barrock pattern.
    It´s really nice.
    I´m looking forward to buy a Finchley in Jade, and then switch from time to time.
    In the hole I have, let me thing, ähm 8 Filofax an i love them all.

    Sorry my Englisch is not as good as it can be, I come from Germany.

    Greetings Jenny

  2. Hi Jenny,

    you are not the only reader from Germany here.
    I'm using my Filo for only three month now (a brown Personal 'Cuban'), and really love it. I don't think I will ever change back to a palm which I used before.

    Greetings, Johannes

  3. Hello Johannes,
    are you from Germany?


  4. Yes, I am - living near Düsseldorf.

    Yours, Johannes

  5. Great,

    I´m living near Franfurt/Wiesbaden.

    Yours Jenny

  6. Hi,
    Ob wir hier auch auf Deutsch schreiben dürfen, oder ist das unhöflich gegenüber den anderen Mitlesern? Jedenfalls wünsche ich Dir schöne Ostertage.
    Gruß, Johannes

  7. Hi,
    ich denke das ist einmal nicht so schlimm...
    Ich wünsche dir auch schöne Ostertage, schönes Wetter haben wir ja :-)
