22 December 2012

Web Finds - 22 December 2012

Well the last one before Christmas...

Sadly I will not be posting a Web Finds on Tuesday 25th... I will be busy helping Father Christmas with his deliveries. I applied for the job of FC Assistant (Filofax Product Expert)....

The pay isn't so grand, but you do get to visit a lot of countries in 24 hours. I have received my red and white outfit so I'm ready to go....

In the mean time... here are the latest Filofax posts from around the internet:
  1. Filofax Flex Conversion - It's My Life!
  2. Call to arms: The hunt for a filo! - Filofaximile
  3. Comparing Personal and Pocket - Imysworld
  4. Christmas planner thoughts and wishes. - Just an Essex Girl
  5. Filofax collection update - Filofax Fantasies
  6. Filofax Adventures Part.3 - Behind my Purpley Life
  7. Most stylist filofax - Improve my days
  8. I'll have a pink Christmas! - Circus Life with Disturbed Mamacita 
  9. Und jedem Anfang wohnt ein Zauber inne* - Filomaniac
  10. Filofax ID - Cloudberry Musings
  11. The greatest gift that I possess... - Filofaximile
  12. All Stars guest post by Femke: Meditation and relaxation exercises - Anita Lim
  13. Is Handwriting Worth Saving? - Rhodia Drive
  14. Filofax Tour - This Humble House
  15. Filofax for 2013 - Homemakers Daily 
  16. Filofax dissapointment and planner decisions for 2013 - Filo Obssessed
  17. A5 lyndhurst - Filofax Fantasies
  18. In a planner pickle - Paper Pens Ink
  19. Getting into the Christmas Spirit in my A5 - Filo Obsessed
  20. Its not about the money money money ..... - Monica Luis 
  21. My second Filofax - personal size Aston in Orchid - Haitian Girl
  22. Filofax Love – My Metropol - The Studentista
  23. A disappointing delivery - Filofaximile 
  24. as we were - Seraphic Wing 
  25. My A5 Kensington has Arrived! - The Wonderful Life of Alice
  26. Using Daytimer Hotlist sheets in a Filofax - Calm and Organised
  27. Attempting to review the year… - Paper Pens Ink
  28. A5 Inserts! - The Wonderful Life of Alice 
  29. What’s in my Personal Regency? - Coffee & Literature
  30. Goal, Resolution, Project, Task: Definitions and Examples - Plannerisms
  31. Vintage-Serie - Teil 6: Portland Grün - Filo Manie
  32. Wine Holborn - Paper Pens Ink
  33. The whole planning shebang... - The Crazy Suburban Mom
  34. Getting others to do GTD – free podcast - GTD Times
  35. Saving for a Filofax!! - Lady Elizabeth's Life
  36. Make your own Personal To Do pages - Filofaximile 
  37. Filofax Planners  - Coffee & Literature
and here are the latest Filofax videos:

Enjoy and have a great Christmas....


  1. What a lovely start to my day. Now I have had my time to read web finds I can start planning the rest of the things I need to do for Christmas - it shouldn't take too long as I have my plans from last year still. Have a fab Christmas!!!

  2. Will you be coming to my house with an Osterley on your sleigh?

    1. Ho ho ho!!! I will have to check my long list....

  3. Thanks for including me Steve. I have been a LONG time reader of Philofaxy (since the Philofaxer himself was writing all by homself!!) but this is my first foray into blogging about planning (calmandorganised.blogspot.co.uk). Thanks fo your support!

  4. Thanks for including me, Steve! I feel very honoured. As a long time lurker and first time poster it's very exciting. Loving the webfinds as always, lots of new blogs to follow

  5. I have also been a lurker and am somewhat new to filofax. I purchased a pocket chameleon a couple of months ago and it did not take me long to realize that I wanted more. I am so excied that Santa is bringing me a personal malden. Steve, there will be cookies by the tree for you when you stop by my house.
    I enjoy seeing all the creative ways filofax is used and so appreciate having such a wealth of knowledge gathered for me at philofaxy. Thank you!

  6. Make sure they provide you with two outfits - one for the Northern Hemisphere and one for this little corner of the world where the present temperature is a mere 43c - a tad warm...

    1. Forty-three degrees? Where I live, we're lucky to get half of that even at the height of summer!

  7. I expect I'll have to leave Santa and Rudolph a pastis and a pain aux mincemeat this year then then Steve!!! Wishing the most magical Christmas to all my fellow Philofaxers around the globe. xxxx

  8. Yay! Thanks for including mine! (Coffee & Literature)! I feel all special now as I love to read these, too!
