19 November 2024

Free For All Tuesday - No. 720

What questions or discussion points have you got for us today?

It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or a more experienced user of organisers, we want to hear your thoughts, questions, opinions etc.

We are here to answer your questions.

Make today the one day you post a comment or post a question. If you are commenting as 'Anonymous', please include your name in the text of your comment. 

It is Tuesday after all, so fire away with any questions and comments.

If you are commenting below, please include your first name at the end of the comment. Thank you. 


  1. How do you manage goals vs. demands on your time? At the start of each week I write down what I want to have accomplished by the end of it, and then against each day I enter what I need to do in order to achieve those things. I have a lot of demands on my time from other people - things I need to follow through on. Invariably my time is dominated by these requests and I find myself pushing out my own priorities. It is hard to balance my plans with the plans of others. Aside from techniques for saying no or delegation, do you have a good way of tracking and balancing these different goals or actions? Kirsty.

    1. I asked a similar question, as a result of watching one of the Wednesday video links.
      I suggested that to prioritise and plan your tasks, you'd need to understand how long each would take (whereas the video maker suggested start and end times of tasks were irrelevant).
      So time blocking, as suggested here, seems to be the answer; block out your own tasks/goals over the week, based on how long you think they will take, and then allow the rest of the time to be given over to meeting (some) other people's requests, also with some task duration estimate. Whether you make your diary visible to others, or consult your private diary if people ask for your time, is up to you. Balance/prioritise your own tasks vs other requests as required.


  2. I've found if you block out time slots maybe two weeks in advance and share your diary with others it helps (but I'm talking electronic share here). The rule is if you don't plan in your diary where others can see your busy times they'll fill it for you. It's the same with family, if you don't tell them your busy next Wednesday and the following Wednesday for two hours bet your last dollar they'll come Tuesday evening and say hey can you do something for me tomorrow? There's a good podcast on the guide to the plannerverse with Steve on this. Ps where are those podcast gone, they were great.

  3. Hope this isn't too late but I'm heading off to Paris tomorrow (Thurs.) and wondering if anyone has recommendations where I can go for Filofax refills especially the euro version of day on two pages. Also interested in checking out the Succes (sp?) brand - where best to find them? Thanks . Mark F.
