17 January 2025

Free For All Friday - No. 845

The Filofax Diary Inserts with QR codes are proving to be very popular.... not!!! 

I was thinking of copying the idea, but just one QR code per page, it would be just a link to Philofaxy.com just in case you had forgotten the website address. >> Test it out!

I love technology as you might have already guessed, but I don't like it when it's forced on us. Changing your organiser habits just because someone thought it was a money making idea is not a good idea. 

As usual on a Friday, please feel free to discuss anything Filofax related. 


  1. My 2025 Filofax inserts have the QR code, and I really tried to use the accompanying app. But for me this has absolutely no use. Anytime I would update or add an appointment, I were urged to take a photo of the page?! Otherwise the app is out of sync immediately.

    Has anyone successfully implemented the app in their planner/diary/organizer habits?

    1. I tried it out but found integration with the Apple calendar was too limited to make it worth persevering. The small separation of the QR codes on the personal WO1P diary also meant I often ended up creating an entry for the wrong day.

  2. To me any classic try to blend with technology is no go. For the same reason I stopped using Filofax, I stopped using Oxford notebooks due to their corner icons on each page. Even small, just distract me from writing. Went back to Rhodia / Hobonichi notebooks. To me other very distracting element on Filofax is the multi language day / month naming on calendars taking so much space. Stopped using them as well.

    1. Agreed! The Oxford spiral bound notebooks are A5+, so if you remove a completed page at the perforations, you get a standard A5 page that fits perfectly in my A5 Filofax. But the prominent marks in the corners of the page are awful. I guess the data they can steal by persuading a few folks to use their app is worth more than the sales they use by alienating their traditional customers

  3. I got the business dairies and they do not have this QR code thing. I am currently using the business / professional range day to a spread. Anyone know if the business / pro range is going to get them later on or is this a way to skip them (if there is a business version that suits you of course)??

    1. My 2025 business day to a page has the QR code. I don’t even notice it so it doesn’t bother me.

  4. I already wonder if fILOFX will ignore all the critical feedback from its customer community... and will continue QR-coding diary inserts without "drop out option". Till next year many of us will have to live with these "beautiful" black dotts on their inserts :-/

    1. Someone can make some money selling stickers to hide those “beautiful” dots.

    2. I would use correction tape to cover the QR codes.
      I have used the same to cover the years (https://philofaxy.blogspot.com/2022/10/reusing-old-diary-inserts.html) for my backlog of old diary inserts I got with various organiser purchases. I have enough old diaries to last me for the next 3 years.

    3. They generally ignore any and all feedback and are uninterested in their customers, so I expect this attitude to continue

  5. Am I right in thinking all older models were personal sized until about 1996? I have been running through filowiki on the production years tab and I can't see anything but personal or personal slimline until 1996.

    I got there by looking at the various Winchesters on there as what I have read as a popular model to own. It seems a lot of people with a media presence seems to like Winchester models. Plus the reported quality drop post offshore production makes me wonder if there are any decent vintage A5 or any size other than personal?

    1. The original Deskfax (with double-width Personal pages) was introduced in 1986.

      The 9-ring Deskfax (B5), aka Professional, (aka Deskfax...) was introduced in 1988, and last appeared in 2004.

      The Pocket was introduced in 1989 (the 4-ring version, with pages compatible with Personal rings). The 6-ring Pocket was introduced in 1994.

      The Mini first appears in the 1996 catalogue. It was dropped in 2015, but has since been revived.

      The A5 (aka 'System Organiser') first appears in the 1996 catalogue. Mini is described as 'the latest addition to the collection', so the A5 may have appeared in 1995.

      A4 first appears in 2000. It doesnt feature in the US catalogues...

      M2 first appears in 2001, and was last seen in 2004.

      Filowiki, as lovely as it is, is incomplete. You might be better off looking through the old catalogues:


      So the only pre-1996 model bigger than Personal is the double-Personal width Deskfax. But I have not seen one pop up on ebay yet. You might follow gmax, and have your own made...



    2. oops; B5 Deskfax last featured in the 2003 ('Corporate Sales') catalogue, with a picture of one of 8 sizes on p3. The 8 sizes appear to be M2, Mini, Pocket, Personal Slim, Personal, A5, Deskfax & A4.

      Sadly, we don't have a 2003 consumer catalogue.

      The B5 Deskfax is not featured in 2004.

    3. oops 2: The A5 'System Organiser' appears as 'new' in 1993, with a single binder in soft black, with 25mm rings. I failed to skip to the end of the catalogue... by 1996, A5 was starting to be used for a number of styles.

      The 9-ring, B5 Deskfax also could be a possible candidate, since it started before production left the UK, and it was aimed at a 'professional' market, so possibly higher quality? I think the first offshore product was the Windsor, in 1992.


    4. There is a summary of what sizes were released on what date in a well known book.....



    5. LOL...

      I am currently trying to compile a spreadsheet with model dates, triggered by an observation of 'one hit wonders'; binders that only appeared for a year.

      This has also brought up the mystery of the 'Identity' binder; this only appears in the 2002 catalogue, but I have an identical one from TKMaxx that has 2018 inserts. Sadly, we are missing more recent catalogues (presumably as they moved to web-only advertising), so if it was re-introduced post 2015, we wouldn't see it.

      I've got the the stage of having a cell for each named binder existed for each year. Now to add the sizes somehow...


    6. London Dave has sent me a text listing of model names, I can email you a copy if it helps?

    7. PaulB - there's a B5 Deskfax Kent on auction at the moment... Kent is faux leather, but it seems to last quite well. Might be a low-cost route into trying the size.

  6. I have read that some people rate the vintage Winchesters so I have been looking on a well known sales site and there aree some cheaper ones at about £40 to £70 and some as high ass £350. There are a few at the cheaper end without the popper cover on the strap. In other ways the binder looks good. So what to do with the popper? Has anyone bouight such a filofax? What did you do with the popper? Is there any way to make them look good?

    1. I've been monitoring prices for a while. Many go for £20-£40. Those expensive ones are outliers; either people asking high prices, but none seem to sell. Now, Rangers; that's another matter: I find the prices they attract utterly baffling, for an ugly, bulky, faux leather monstrosity. Then again, I'm not really a fan of the Winchester, as I don't want bellows pockets or the associated flaps.

      The missing cap; I have seen people use the head of a brass split pin paper fastener, aka butterfly clip. Other people actually embrace the 'lived in' look of the missing cap.


    2. Out of curiosity, what are the good "vintagee" filofaxes to go for? I did reaad of a few fans for Winchesters, possibly because production stopped at the changover to overseas production judging by the production yeaar range I have seen. There is the Kensington too I think, Buckingham I think is from the heyday too. It would be good to see a poll done somewhere on this perhaps. I certainly am interested ass a potential buyer of mhy first vintage one (for refurb if needed).

    3. I have a Buckingham 2MLF in tan (I think they called it brown) and it's gorgeous. I love it. By far the best made of all my Filofaxes. I'm pretty sure if I were to hit someone with it, they would know.
