10 January 2025

Free for All Friday No. 844 by Nan

The new year is a little more than a week old. How is your 2025 going so far, organizer-wise? 

Is your 2025 setup all complete and working smoothly?

Are you still working out the kinks?

Are you still getting all the parts into place? (me!)

And as always on Fridays, feel free to discuss anything Filofax related!


  1. Recently, I was browsing through some of the old catalogues and I began to wonder, where all the old Filofax file cabinets/filing boxes enden up that must have ben sold in the millions over time...I cannot find any on the market! Anyone has one to sell?

  2. I was just wondering what the longest lasting Filofax model is or was. Anyone got contenders?

    I assume there might be some that lasted in name but got changed. I am kind of thinking of models that survived unchanged for a long time or structurally unchanged.

    This came from Franz' comment about the millions of filing boxxes that must have been sold over time. There must have been some organiser models that were similarly sold in their millions. So I guess either a long sale time to get to a lot out there or a big sales rate over a shorter time period.

    It seems to me that there are a lot of certain models in used sales outlets, saffiano probably as they were cheaper and a starter one so sold a lot in shorter time perhaps. There seems to be the Kent models that I see a bit too. Does the used market reflect the new or the number sold?
