26 November 2021

Free For All Friday - No. 681

I love it when I find another use for a Filofax organiser.... this last summer I inherited a 'new to me' digital camera from a friend in UK along with manuals and various reference books for this exact camera. 

The camera is a Nikon and as I've been a Canon user for over two decades, the menu system and controls are very new to me! I've been getting by, but recently I started to delve in to the manual and the books to discover more about the camera. 

This was when I hit on a memory problem... my own memory that is, nothing to do with computers! I kept forgetting which book/manual I had read something in. 

Filofax to the rescue... I picked out a personal size organiser along with a set of A-Z index dividers and some lined paper. I labelled the books 1-4 and then started writing simple notes or topics onto the pages adding in the book number and page number against each topic header. 

The topics such as F for Flash really simplified the problem of which book to refer back to when I was cross checking a topic in one of the other books! 

It has improve my understanding of the camera and hopefully I will be taking better photographs with it soon. 

Have you found some novel new users for your organisers? Of course it is a Friday so don't forget you are free to discuss anything organiser related. 

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