18 August 2023

Free For All Friday No 771 by Laurie

I've been thinking about my requirements for my planner, not only what I need it to do for me but also what I want it to be. 

My requirements change from time to time: whether I need my planner to be super-portable, or if it stays home most of the time. Which planning format/ layout I need. Whether I need daily pages or just weekly. 

Beyond functionality, I need my planner to be special to me in some way. 

Filofax organisers are easy to make special. I choose which colour and material I want for the binder, something that I feel represents my personality. I put in anything I want: photos, fragrance cards, ticket stubs, customised pages. The result is a planner that uniquely represents me. And when something changes, I can change my Filofax.

One of the ways I like to make my Filofax special to me is to tape post cards to my tabbed dividers. This one is on my Work tabbed divider:

How do you make your Filofax special to you?

As always on Fridays, feel free to ask and/or discuss anything Filofax related!


  1. I make my own dividers using pictures from magazines or even photos and then back onto paper and laminate.

  2. I like the plastic dividers Filofax does now in some of their decorative collections, such as Inspiration and Garden. However, my favourite method is to use the basic cream card dividers that come as standard with most new covers, and to hand-write quotes on each one.

  3. I love using greetings cards as a dashboard, or using small mementos as page markers.
