15 September 2023

Free For All Friday No 775 by Laurie

Some people like their Filofax to be neat. All the page edges line up, their dividers are pretty, and their handwriting is tidy.

My Filofax is a mess. I add whatever pages I like, and they don't always align perfectly. My page corners aren't rounded. My handwriting is atrocious. I have things messily taped to my tabbed dividers. 

I like it that way.

I don't feel any pressure to make my Filofax tidy, or pretty. It holds things I love, and it works for me. That's what's important to me.

However I do understand when people like their planner to look tidy and/ or pretty. It is calming to have an organised-looking planner.

Do you like your planner to be neat and tidy? Or do you not mind it a little messy, like me?

As always on Fridays, feel free to ask and/or discuss anything Filofax related!


  1. Messy all the way. Scribbles and crossings out make it look real for me. Seems more natural to have a slightly untidy planner.

  2. I've got no choice in the matter. Messy writing, messy mix of dividers in different style and sizes, etc. Add in postit style sticky tags where needed it's a mess. It's to be used so who cares?!

  3. When setting up your new filofax do you plan what you will need and set up for that or use a basic setup then add later as you add function?

  4. Messy and functional. IMO, someone who focuses too much on neat and tidy is doing it for the aesthetic not the use. BUT I do know there are people who are naturally neat and tidy and have a functional planner.

  5. Whilst I can admire a pretty planner, I think that mine will always be a little messy as I'm normally using up different inserts and/or paper sizes.

  6. I am somewhere in between - I like it to look comfortably lived in!

  7. I’m in the middle too. I naturally have very neat small handwriting, and I like my planner to be orderly, but I have no issue with sticky flags and tabs around, added pages and bits etc.

  8. My personal is also a mix of pretty and messy. Despite buying new dividers, I’ve been on a quest for the last few months of making my own from laminated sheets (straight clear laminate vs making laminate pouches to switch out seasonal paper vs laminate pouches with tabs). The cuts are all over the place, so a little messy. But the front cover has a pretty piece of fall scrapbook paper in the laminated pouch. On my weekly pages are neat writing as I plan ahead (known meetings, continued to-dos, and projects), but messy scribbles as I pop in to-do items as they come up during the day. Canceled meetings, moved appointments, and the occasional misspelling just add to the true-to-life function of it. It’s a planner that helps me get things done.

  9. I go through phases. Sometimes I like them neat and as elegant as possible and sometimes I like them messy and down to earth :)

  10. Just been looking at that photograph. I like to see how others have their filofax set up, even if it's just the edge showing the divided sections. They all look heavily used compared to mine. Mine has crisp and fresh dividers separated by various types of inserts with crisp and square pages. Neat with all pages the same size and only the tabs of dividers sticking out.

    It's like mine Isn't being used compared to everyone else's filofax that I've seen. I think that's because i tend to work off my memory a lot more than an organiser. Even when I do use one. I think that's because my life Isn't busy enough yet.
