08 May 2020

Free for All Friday No. 600 by Nan

Are you doing more reading these days? If so, how do you use your organizer in reading? Do you keep lists of books you've read or want to read? Do you take notes on what you're reading? Do you use your organizer to keep track of the characters in a book? (I do all of the above!) Of course, since it's Friday, please feel free to discuss anything ring bound organizer related.


  1. I have a piece of note paper in the Collections section of my planner, where I note the date the book was finished, author, title, # of pgs, and 6 word reaction.

  2. I have a page in my planner of books I'd like to read, which I can e. mail to family for Christmas and birthday ideas too. I regularly update it. Years ago I decided only to keep books I haven't read, or those I will certainly read again, the rest went to a charity shop. xxxx
