31 October 2024
19 years ago today....
Plotter Review - By Eve
Plotter is a relatively new analog method that sets out to make daily work streamlined and easily accessible. The system can be a planner, a diary, a notebook, or anything you want it to be really.
Originally released in September 2017 in Japan, Plotter is now available in the United States. Plotter aims to bring about an analog renaissance with their system, which encourages the pen on paper experience. Gotta love that!
Unlike other ring-bound system inserts, Plotter refills are pads which are bound on one edge so you can use them as a notebook. You can start creating continuously without worrying about pages scattering all over the place. The point of doing it this way is that you can always start writing on a fresh page for new ideas, knowing you can remove the pages and organize them later.
A key step to Plotter’s Analog Method involves removing pages from your ring binders when not immediately in use. Some pages could be discarded when the task is complete and no longer needed in your current system. However, some may be ideas or writings that were created on the fly or relating to some future project.
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The Plotter Analog System |
For this Plotter has accessories such as Project Management Folders designed to organize refills by themes, or you can use them as an index. The set consists of six assorted colored folders to group your refills by different topics. You can label each folder with the project name and utilize the to-do list on the back to manage project tasks. A Gantt chart is included to document the progress of each themed project.
Plotter refills come in a variety of options, such as plain paper, 2mm squared grid, 5mm dot grid, ruled, sketch paper and To Do Lists. They also have dated Monthly and Weekly diary inserts if you choose to use your Plotter as a planner (the Diary pages are loose leaf pages and not bound on one side in notebook fashion like the other inserts).
Plotter paper is very nice and fountain pen friendly. The refills are made with DP Paper, an abbreviation for “Designphil Pocketbook” paper. The weight and thickness of each page are reduced specifically to match the slim profile of Plotter binders. The paper holds all kinds of ink with minimal ghosting and almost zero bleed-through. I have used Plotter refills with my fountain pens (typically in EF or F) with great success.
The leather binders are where Plotter really shines. Each binder is made from a single piece of high-quality leather anchored by Plotter’s own original backplates. The result is a minimalistic, portable, and functional leather binder. As opposed to chunky rings where there is the tendency to overstuff or hold things that may not be necessary to the task at hand, Plotter binders all have slim 11mm (0.4”) Krause rings. It is recommended that the binder hold no more than 80 pages of their original DP paper inserts. The binders are extremely flexible and lay flat at more than 180 degrees, making them easy to use in any environment.
Plotter’s slim profile is not only designed for portability, but also designed to optimize the space you can utilize. The company’s philosophy is simple…if you can only put so many pages in your binder, wouldn’t you put more thought into what you really need?
- A5 H8.7" × W6.7" × D.6"
- Bible (same as Personal) H7" × W4.5" × D.6"
- Narrow H7" × W3.9" × D.6"
- Mini (6 ring) H5.5" × W3.9" × D.6"
- Mini 5 (5 ring) H4.7" × W3.1" × D.6"
Bible size Liscio leather in Brown |
Bible size Pueblo leather in Beige |
Bible size Shrink leather in Orange |
It boasts of Japanese tannery technology that creates a beautiful white “bloom” wax glaze which gradually recedes with use. This leather will transform from a sophisticated misty look to a shiny luster over time. The matte silver backplate is a solid, mature color that complements the beautiful unevenness of the bridle leather. I haven't tried this leather out yet but hope to soon!
Bible size in Horsehair II leather in Gray |
My Bible sized haul! |
I recently decided to try the diary inserts for 2025 (they sell out FAST!) and intend to set up one of the binders as an EDC to test out the Plotter minimalist method of thinking about planning for. next year. I will keep you posted on how that works out with a follow up post.
What about you? Have you heard of the Plotter brand? What are your thoughts on such a minimalist approach to planning?
30 October 2024
Video Web Finds - Wednesday 30 October 2024

Now it is time to enjoy a great collection of videos from around the internet.
Here are a selection of the latest Filofax videos for your enjoyment.
- Georgia Binder - Franklin Planner
- November Planner Setup | LV Unboxing - dr_alvaplans
- October 2024 Personal Rings Flip Through - Tiffany’s Plans
- Purposeful Planning Week 4 - Intention - Franklin Planner
- Personal Gillio Compagna XL New Oct Flip - Kerri Pouliot
- My new paper based philosophy, and a potentially shocking realisation - Flatability
- 8Lotus November Deluxe Box | Detailed Review | The Planner Aisle - The Planner Aisle
- Comparing Plotter Mini 6 and Plotter Mini 5 papers. Which One Is For You? - Noteability
- Plan With Me || Oct 28 - Nov 3, 2024 || Franklin Classic Anna Binder || Spooky Halloween - Sandra Dahl
- I really don’t know how anyone does life without a planning system - the planner spot
- Planning when I don’t have a lot of time - Tonya Plans
- Ring Planer/ Filofax Personal - Setup/ Herbst 2024 und Dekobuch - allesaufpapier
- Preview of my 2025 personal rings planner set up - Paper Sniffer
- Октябрь'24 в Filofax Original black - AnaPlan
- Filofax Wochendeko KW 43 | #decotogether2024 pumpkin spice & everything nice - Sahne Klexx
- How to use your planner for productivity | Pocket Filofax edition - Life with Hope
- Filofax Planner/Organizer The Original Personal size Patent Nude-Leather - AnnAnn Lavs Favorite
- 8 | переезд в новый планер Filofax Saffiano Compact - катя про блокноты
- Wochendeko KW 43 | Pumpkin Spice | Filofax A5 Planer | #decotogether2024 Vol. 2 - Planerbeere
- Filofax Saffiano Pink Personal - AnnAnn Lavs Favorite
- Wonderland 222 B6 Flip | Sterling Ink Stickers | Filofax Malden - Life with Lisa Ann
- 1 month in mini rings | Filofax Mini Malden flip through - plannercoven
- mundane moments ✸ new japanese stationery, november deco & filofax thoughts - alex thomas
- My Filofax Maldens In Iris & Fuschia - Shirley Joss
- Filofax Wochendeko KW 43 - Heartsfailing
- November 2024 Budget Binder SetUp | A5 Budget Planner + Sinking Funds Update | Cash Envelopes - Income Babes Budgets
- Christmas Plan With Me || November Christmas Set Up || Filofax Christmas || Happy Planner Christmas - Plannerbeat
- 2025 Planner Lineup & My System for Functional Planning | Franken planner & Plotter Narrow - Hitchand Hitched
- 5 reasons why having one rings planner is enough … personal rings - Beverly Plans
- Your YouTube video could appear here. If you have a YT channel that features Filofax organisers or similar, please let us know. (steve at philofaxy dot com) Alternatively ensure your video contains 'Filofax' or 'Rings' in the title or description.
- Please leave a comment on any of the videos you enjoyed and mention you saw a link on Philofaxy.
- For tips on how to improve your videos, please see this post. Also this video too Webfinds
- Your Filofax/Organiser Videos could appear in this list, just contact philofaxy at gmail dot com to be added to our monitoring list.
- Consider joining our Facebook group - Filofax for Philofaxy fans
- Follow Philofaxy on Reddit
- Follow Philofaxy on Threads
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29 October 2024
Free For All Tuesday - No. 717

It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or a more experienced user of organisers, we want to hear your thoughts, questions, opinions etc.
We are here to answer your questions.
Make today the one day you post a comment or post a question. If you are commenting as 'Anonymous', please include your name in the text of your comment.
It is Tuesday after all, so fire away with any questions and comments.
28 October 2024
Enhanced Time Manager Diary Insert - Personal Size
If you have been a Philofaxy reader for more than 10 years, the above diary insert image should be look familiar. It is the Enhanced Time Manager insert that I designed in 2011 in A5 size and I've been using every year since then in A5 size. It has a had a few tweaks to the design since then but it is basically the same layout.
You will find it as 1.5.1/1.5.2 on our Diary Inserts Page for the A5 version.
With a bit of editing I've managed to come up with a Personal Size version. It's not identical somethings have had to go to get it to fit the smaller page size. There is no longer the calendars at the top of the page.
I have done two versions. One that prints on to personal size paper, the other which you can print on to A4 paper. There are pros and cons as to which version you use.
- The personal page version has a larger bottom margin to be compatible with most printers.
- The print on A4 size paper one can use the most of the page, but you then have to cut each of the pages to size and punch them.
- The personal size paper version only has dates at the top of the dated page, this makes the printing easier, if you have a paper mis-feed then it's not so difficult to rescue the situation without having to reprint lots of pages.
27 October 2024
26 October 2024
Web Finds - Saturday 26 October 2024

Here are some Philofaxy posts you might have missed this week:
- Web Finds - Saturday 19 October 2024
- Silent Sunday - 'Filohax' Vintage on vintage No. 1Mindful Productivity
- Choosing my favourites for 2024 - by Anita
- Free For All Tuesday - No. 716
- Video Web Finds - Wednesday 23 October 2024
- Lefax - 1992 Update Leaflet
- Free For All Friday - No. 833 by Steve
- Just arrived - Filofax
- My Filofax Has Been Resurrected! - Medium
- University Project: Consumer Preferences for Organizers and Planners – Your Feedback Needed! - Filofax
- Mindful Productivity - FranklinPlanner Talk
- Order with 2025 inserts (norfolk) - Filofax
- Episode #281: Father and Son GTD Enthusiasts - Getting Things Done
- Order with 2025 inserts (Norfolk) - Filofax
- The Franklin Five: November 2024 - FranklinPlanner Talk
- Link Love: A Very Papery Day (and Ereader Questions) - The Well-Appointed Desk
- Web Finds – 23 October 2024 - Travellers Notebook Times
- Your blog post could appear here. Please let us know if you have a blog that features ring bound organisers.
- Please leave a comment on any of the blogs you enjoyed reading and mention that you saw their post mentioned on Philofaxy. Thank you
- We monitor over 400 blogs and sites, your Filofax/Organiser blog posts could appear in this list, just contact philofaxy at gmail dot com to be added to our monitoring list.
- We can not guarantee people will read your posts, but we know there is a higher chance of people reading your posts and returning to read other posts if you make them interesting with pictures and good hints and tips.
- Your Filofax/Organiser posts could appear in this list, just contact philofaxy at gmail dot com to be added to our monitoring list.
- Consider joining our Facebook group - Filofax for Philofaxy fans
- Follow Philofaxy on Reddit
- Follow Philofaxy on Threads
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25 October 2024
Free For All Friday - No. 833 by Steve
As the clocks are going back an hour that should be an extra hour in bed? Well I suspect as usual that extra hour will be spent correcting lots of clocks.
Lots of things change automatically I know, but there are still a lot of things that need manual intervention.
I have a list! As an insert of course!!
I do cheat... I will change a few of them the day before, ones that aren't going to be in use or visible. It reduces the task on Sunday morning.
The insert is just a To-Do list I relabelled and adapted for the twice yearly task. I have some notes on the reverse side on how to change things that aren't at first obvious.... the cooker... enough said...
What will you be spending your extra hour on this Sunday or next Sunday? But of course please feel free to discuss anything Filofax related.
24 October 2024
Lefax - 1992 Update Leaflet
Thank you to Gmax for providing the scans of this leaflet that answered the question about Lefax Pocket Organisers.
You will find our full catalogue collection here.If you have any old Filofax catalogues that you would like to donate to our digital archive, please contact Steve: philofaxy at gmail dot com Thank you
23 October 2024
Video Web Finds - Wednesday 23 October 2024

Now it is time to enjoy a great collection of videos from around the internet.
Here are a selection of the latest Filofax videos for your enjoyment.
- Filofax compact setup - Paperloveplan
- (pre) Plan with me November - naokiroku
- My filofax archiving system - Life with Hope
- Filofax Original Lemon unboxing - My Planners
- Quick GTD Setup in Todoist | Free Version-Friendly! - The Organized Mess
- Save Money and Printer your own Planner Inserts at Home: DIY Planner - NPerfect Plans
- Time Management Magic | The Charmed School of Self Mastery - Alexis aka MissTrenchcoat
- FC Compact Plan With Me Reset | Week 42 | Midnight Moterm Personal Luxe 2.0 | FCC Inserts | EDC - My Moxie Dreams
- These Two Dates Will Damage Your Productivity. - Carl Pullein
- Мой первый Filofax || Filofax The Original black - AnaPlan
- The Month of October and Halloween - The Planner Pincher
- Листалка моего Filofax Pocket Norfolk / Almond - The aesthetics of my planning
- Filofax Original Pocket size is entering my lineup for 2025! Mid night blue edition - minimalish.journal
- Little planner filofax update - Laura M Wood
- Filofax Metropol Pocket Rings Flip Through - mrs Planahead
- Schreibtisch Vlog & Filofax Wochendeko KW 42 2024 | heartsfailing - Heartsfailing
- Filofax Plan & Decorate With Me x2 - One Crafty Dolo
- Wochendeko KW 42 | Hygge | Filofax A5 Planer | #decotogether2024 Vol. 2 | planerbeere - Planerbeere
- 開封動画】NEW手帳をお迎えしました✨/ファイロファックス(Filofax) - もなか日記
- Plan With Me | Weekly & Hourly Inserts | Louis Vuitton GM Agenda - Linda Anna
- Planner Flip Thru // My setup and planning system - the planner spot
- Plan With Me || October 21 - 27, 2024 || Franklin Classic Anna Binder - Sandra Dahl
- When paper planning isn’t enough… - MomYePlans
- Your YouTube video could appear here. If you have a YT channel that features Filofax organisers or similar, please let us know. (steve at philofaxy dot com) Alternatively ensure your video contains 'Filofax' or 'Rings' in the title or description.
- Please leave a comment on any of the videos you enjoyed and mention you saw a link on Philofaxy.
- For tips on how to improve your videos, please see this post. Also this video too Webfinds
- Your Filofax/Organiser Videos could appear in this list, just contact philofaxy at gmail dot com to be added to our monitoring list.
- Consider joining our Facebook group - Filofax for Philofaxy fans
- Follow Philofaxy on Reddit
- Follow Philofaxy on Threads
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22 October 2024
Free For All Tuesday - No. 716

It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or a more experienced user of organisers, we want to hear your thoughts, questions, opinions etc.
We are here to answer your questions.
Make today the one day you post a comment or post a question. If you are commenting as 'Anonymous', please include your name in the text of your comment.
It is Tuesday after all, so fire away with any questions and comments.
21 October 2024
Choosing my favourites for 2024 - by Anita
Since purchasing my first Filofax back in 2009, I've come to realise that I'm an enthusiast, but not really a collector of them, so periodically I choose my favourites and rehome the rest. So, at the end of last August, I was left with just my beloved Kensington and thought that was that...
However, I think that I've since figured out my version of planner peace (haha, for now) and decided to find myself a second binder for when I want some variety. Also, whilst the Kensington is 'the one', there will be times, especially in the winter months, when I want a bit of colour, so I started looking for a cheap and colourful one and finally found an emerald personal Finsbury for a great price (Finsbury post to come).
For now, I feel that I'm done with any further buying and selling, but I guess I'm not going to say anything like, "That's it, I'm done" or anything, just that I'm pretty content with what I currently now own. I'd been meaning to rehome some of these for years, but didn't have the time or spare energy previously, so it felt like a great relief, especially when four of them left in one week!
Here are a couple of my previous posts about selling and choosing favourites:
Zero spending on binders in 2016
Cons: poor Billingham... none really, other than the fact that it isn't a Kensington (my favourite). I admit that this beauty sat on my bookshelf for nearly a year without being used, so I was delighted when it went to its lovely new owner instead.
4. Red vintage non-branded
Pros: oh man, the leather on this one is sublime and the great layout could work perfectly as a wallet.
Cons: absolutely none (I might regret getting rid of this one day), but whilst I love the idea of a slimline, it really doesn't have enough ring space for me. Gifted to Steve.
8. Duck egg personal Domino Soft
I don't have any photos of this one, as it was a super cheap eBay bargain bought on a whim and I didn't have it very long. Here is a link to Janet's post about the model.
Pros: really nice faux leather and minimal styling.
Cons: only the colour really, as I think that the duck egg colour was a bit too pale for me personally. Gifted to the local freebie Facebook group.
20 October 2024
Silent Sunday - 'Filohax' Vintage on vintage No. 1
Today's Silent Sunday isn't quite as silent as normal, as I'd like to thank Paul again, as he will be contributing one photo per month to to our Silent Sunday posts here.
You can find all of the 'Filohax' posts here.
Winchester 4CLF 7/8 / Tintin album
As Filofax aren't my only vintage collectables, I thought I would contribute to the existing 'Silent Sunday' posts with images of my different binders paired with a vintage item from one of my collections. This inaugural post shows my first Filofax Winchester, purchased new in 1989 along with an old 'Herge's Adventures of Tintin' album.
19 October 2024
Web Finds - Saturday 19 October 2024

Here are some Philofaxy posts you might have missed this week:
- Web Finds Saturday 12 October 2024
- Silent Sunday
- Dates for your diary - Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 October 2024
- Free For All Tuesday - No. 715
- Video Web Finds - Wednesday 16 October 2024
- Guest post series - 'Filohax' No. 15 - Paul
- Free for All Friday No. 832 by Nan
- Mini refills? - Filofax
- RELEASE & RESTOCK: Toscana planners - Gillio
- Episode #280: GTD and Creative Expression - Getting Things Done
- What pens fit a mini binder pen loop? - Filofax
- Book Club: The Golden Goose (pg. 53-59)
- Design the Perfect Planner or Notebook with Filofax! - Filofax UK - BLOG
- Another A5 - Filofax
- Link Love: By the Power of Tomoe River! - The Well-Appointed Desk
- Web Finds – 16 October 2024 - Travellers Notebook Times
- Your blog post could appear here. Please let us know if you have a blog that features ring bound organisers.
- Please leave a comment on any of the blogs you enjoyed reading and mention that you saw their post mentioned on Philofaxy. Thank you
- We monitor over 400 blogs and sites, your Filofax/Organiser blog posts could appear in this list, just contact philofaxy at gmail dot com to be added to our monitoring list.
- We can not guarantee people will read your posts, but we know there is a higher chance of people reading your posts and returning to read other posts if you make them interesting with pictures and good hints and tips.
- Your Filofax/Organiser posts could appear in this list, just contact philofaxy at gmail dot com to be added to our monitoring list.
- Consider joining our Facebook group - Filofax for Philofaxy fans
- Follow Philofaxy on Reddit
- Follow Philofaxy on Threads
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18 October 2024
Free for All Friday No. 832 by Nan
I love seeing how people use their planners. I've noticed people who use bound notebook as planners love pasting in photos, tickets, and other memorabilia. Their pages look so cool!
So why not do the same in a Filofax? Instead of pasting, I like to simply punch holes, which is one of things I love about a ring-bound planner.
Here's a photo I punched to remember a recent flight!
And as always on Friday, feel free to discuss anything organizer related.
17 October 2024
Guest post series - 'Filohax' No. 15 - Paul
Thanks very much again to Paul for this fifteenth instalment of his wonderful guest post series.
You can find all of the 'Filohax' posts here.
Filohax wallet
Do you know that feeling when you spot something that you know you need, but don't yet know why? That's what happened in a charity shop six months ago, when rummaging through the sad old wallet section, and saw an old calf skin wallet that was nearly Filofax personal format, but not quite. For £1 I thought it was worth sitting on for a while. The leather is uncannily similar to my favourite Winchesters and thin, with no stiffener or substrate.
Then recently while passing my local handyman store, I asked if he could punch holes in thin leather... and before you know it, I've got a leather credit card holder/wallet for my Winchester EDC, and saved myself a hundred plus pounds on a branded Filofax one.
It looks totally at home, and fits like it has been made for Filofax with the height and width dropping just short of the Winchester. Although not strictly credit card holders, there are two rows into which I can fit six cards - not quite enough for all my cards, but certainly my six most regularly used ones, with the balance stored in the Winchester's gusseted back pocket. It even has a small 'Real leather, Made in England' embossed in gold!
Another major benefit of having cards / cash in the rings of your EDC is that, if you have to suddenly 'travel light' and can't carry a binder, then you just click the rings open and the wallet is in your pocket in seconds, no fiddling about getting the correct cards / cash for your needs. Yes, it adds a bit more bulk, but the trade off in losing inserts is worth the extra happiness this brings me...