10 August 2013

Web Finds - 10 August 2013

Here are the latest Filofax blog posts from around the Internet:
  1. Planner failure? - Deligted
  2. *sigh* No new Domino after all. - Disorganised Me
  3. July's #fflovephotoaday - Paper Lovestory
  4. Filofax Ostrich family - Cloudberry Musings
  5. Filofax Craving: The Original - The Storage Studio
  6. A5 Aqua Malden Filofax - This Bugs Life
  7. Organising with colour. - Life of Kitty
  8. Oh Baroque, how I love thee! - Paper Pens Ink
  9. Welcome to FiloCrafts! - FiloCraft
  10. Introducing…. Finsbury Yellow! (Sunny) - Incarnations of Organisation
  11. Neuheiten 2013 (18): The Journey - Filomaniac
  12. Non è un Filofax ,made in Cina :* - My Written Paper World
  13. Filofax Update; What’s up next? - My Filo World
  14. Filofax Friday: Holiday/Travel Planner - Planning with Printed Portal
  15. Not Enough Room on Your Monthly Calendar? Try This!  - Homemakers Daily
  16. Groovy baby. - Paige Joanne
  17. The Relaunch of Cupcakes and Cadenzas and a Filofax Giveaway! - Cupcakes and Cadenzas
  18. Thrifty Filofaxing… A New Series- Themed Flyleaf - Incarnations of Organisation
  19. Planners for ADD/ ADHD - Plannerisms
  20. Enthusiasts Collection - Philofaxy << Three weeks to go for entries. 
  21. Hello World (World? who am I kidding!) - Organising Chaos
  22. FREE DOWNLOAD- Daily Planning Page, Personal size - Incarnations of Organisation
  23. Ozzie is here! Filofax Personal Orange Osterley has arrived - Kelsie
  24. My Latest Obsession - A Pretty Obsession
  25. Filofax Project Life Template - V's Sweet Ideas
  26. Filofax 2014 Refills Now In-Stock and Ready to Rock - Goldspot Pens 
  27. Office supply enabling but in a good way - The Crazy Suburban Mom
  • Your blog post could appear here next week if we missed you this time around. Email us the details and we will include it if we can. 
  • We can not guarantee people will read your posts, but we know there is a higher chance of people reading your posts and returning to read other posts if you make them interesting with pictures and good hints and tips. Do not forget to give your posts a title... 
And here are a selection of the latest 'You Guys' Filofax videos for your enjoyment.
  1. Using "The Cinch" to Punch A5 size Paper - mypurpleylife
  2. How I used my A5 Filofax Flex as a conference/travel planner - Sonia S
  3. Filofax / Day-Timer /Franklin Covey Personal Organizer Set-up - Carie Harling
  4. Using Evernote to Archive & Search Filofax / Day-Timer / Franklin C - Carie Harling
  5. How I use the Filofax and Midori Traveler's Notebook together - maryannemoll
  6. The "moving" list for my Filofax - maryannemoll
  7. My Filofax Page Marker Tutorial - Nadine's mixed plate
  8. We really didn't need another Filofax review! (GILLIO!!!) - Ju La
  9. Filofax Comparison-The Original: Fluro v. Patent - Kristy Sherrod
  10. Filofax Pocket Divider Tutorial - ScrappinMariposa
  11. Filofax Decoration W32 - adamsfilo
  12. Filofax Tip - Storing Inserts/Refills - adamsfilo
  13. Inside My Wallet - Sketch Pocket Filofax - Natasha Hensel
  14. Exploring Filofax again!! - JESblankets
  15. The Original Filofax Closer Look - Dan Brown
  16. Decorating Week 32 in my Filofax!  - sugarpandax3
  17. Unboxing of Pocket Finsbury Filofax in pink - Team Filofax 719


  1. Thank you so much for listing my videos here! I was reading along and was shocked to see my name. More videos (and blog posts) to come soon.

  2. I just made my first filo-post. (blog: Fi-lily, Fi-Lo) It's just as an introduction, really. Some of it introducing myself, personally, and then some about the two "fauxlofax" planners I have at this point. I don't know that it's worthy of mentioning or not, but I hope you and others will stop back, and keep an eye open for future posts! The ones following should not be so long, I don't imagine, and I'll be working on better quality photos, if I can. In the meantime, I look forward to stopping back here and to the other blogs you have listed today! ~tina

  3. Hi Steve (and everyone else at Philofaxy),
    Just a quickie to say thanks for including Cupcakes and Cadenzas in your 'web finds'. The timing was perfect as it has really increased the number of people seeing the giveaway.
    Thanks again,

  4. "You guys." LOL!

    Thanks for including my videos!

  5. wow thanks so much for including me xxx

  6. Hello, I've been reading this blog for five months now but never been able to post. How do I get my videos and blog listed on the site? Thank you very much.
