10 May 2016

Web Finds - 10 May 2016

So I hope you have had a good weekend.

So now it is time to enjoy a great collection of blog posts and videos from around the internet.

So here are a selection of the latest Filofax videos for your enjoyment.
  1. Filofax Malden Planner//Wallet Setup (May 2016) - Nursing Mama
  2. Filofax saffiano black personal monats-deko mai - Anne Ludewig
  3. One Month in the Gillio "Cookie" Compagna Challenge - randompastimes
  4. InkWELL Press 2016 & Filofax April Set Up - Keya Plans
  5. Set up Filofax Saffiano 🖇 - Samanta Chicchi Lilli
  6. Filofax mini Piazza - wallet set up - Simplified Life
  7. Filofax Fluro Pink! Business Planner Set-up** - The Hidden Beauty
  8. Planner Set Up A-Z | Part 1 (Kate Spade, Filofax Malden, Travelers Notebook) - Annie Smith
  9. Filofax saffiano gold personal 🖊 - Jekky J
  10. Personal Butterfly Filofax - Mely's Corner
  11. A5 Filofax Original - Carmelita Lubrano
  12. University Filofax Flipthrough - Rebecca Kincaid
  13. Filofax Comparison: Holborn vs Aston - randompastimes
  14. B6 size planner to show size difference from filofax and kikki k - Charlotte
  15. Van der Spek Cuero Tocino Senior binder review - One Fantastic Find!
  16. Van der Spek Custom Senior with Touch Me configuration - One Fantastic Find!
  17. Van der Spek custom senior with Touch Me configuration - One Fantastic Find!
  18. Van Der Spek Wochendekoration | Black Gold - Tess W
  20. Planner Setup- Updated Gillio Compagna - Angie Jarboe
  • For tips on how to improve your videos, please see this post.  Also this video too Webfinds 
  • Your Filofax/Organiser Videos could appear in this list, just contact philofaxy at gmail dot com to be added to our monitoring list. 
My Week Posts
  1. My week #16 - She's Eclectic
  2. 2016 Planner Layout, Weeks# 18 & 19 - Angie Hales Creates
  3. My week #212 - Paper Lovestory
  4. My Week #18 in Review (2016) - Joannywhite.co.uk
  5. My Week #18 - Polkadotparadiso
I hope you like the new format..


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