30 November 2017

Diary Insert - A5 Week Per View Vertical format

Creative Commons License
This work by Philofaxy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. Please download, adapt, use, share, but do not charge or use commercially.

We have adapted of one of our existing layouts. It simplifies the existing Vertical Week View layout by removing the tasks at the foot of the days giving the option of 30 minute appointment spaces.

The original version with tasks is of course still available.

You can download finished versions for this year from our diary inserts page
The source files are also available you will need both the Word file and the Excel File.

For details on printing these files please see this previous post on Printing Diary Inserts.

29 November 2017

Editing Philofaxy Diary Inserts in Office 2016

With the change to MS Office 2016 for Mac, the basic method is still the same, just where things are located has changed a little compared to previous versions of Office.

I've done a short video on how to edit our source files in Office 2016 for Mac, included are some of the inner details in the files to help you edit them to your own satisfaction.

If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments below.

If possible please watch the video in HD and on a large screen.

28 November 2017

Web Finds - 28 November 2017

So I hope you have had a good weekend.

So now it is time to enjoy a great collection of blog posts and videos from around the internet.

Meanwhile here are a selection of the latest Filofax videos for your enjoyment.
  1. Functional planning | Planner Sundays - Brooke TV
  2. Functional Planning for Left & Right Brain - The Organized Miss
  3. Franklin Covey Vintage Aurora Teal - April Boulware
  4. Van Der Spek touch me set up and how I plan - Terrah LeShay
  5. Junior (pocket) Van der Spek- Touch Me - Mely's Corner
  6. PLAN WITH ME | Personal Size | Nov 27 - Dec 3 | 'Not a Creature Was Stirring' - ms.paperlover
  7. PLAN WITH ME | A5 Planner | Nov 27-Dec 3 | 'TRADITIONAL CHRISTMAS/PLANNER GIRL' - ms.paperlover
  8. 2018 Planner Setup: Monthly Planning - Brandy Michelle Plans
  9. 2018 Planner Setup Series - Brandy Michelle Plans
  10. 2018 Planner Setup: Weekly Planning (GTD) - Brandy Michelle Plans
  11. Merging Dates into a Multi-Page InDesign Planner Template | Kendra Bork - Kendra Bork
  12. A 7 Year Diary (Stage One) - Zandranna
  13. A5 Filofax Plan with me Nov. 20, Sweater Weather by Sticker Bloom - Nichelle Davis
  14. Filofax in personal size setup - lisa cervantes
  15. More Mail Goodies, I get my first (used) Filofax - sprngbrd *
  16. Filofax Wochendeko KW 46 - starflower_plans
  17. Filofax Wochendeko KW 46 / 2017 Disneys Aladdin - PĆ¼ppilotta Schokominza
  18. FILOFAX DEKO KW 46 | bow knots - dekoRIAt
  19. Filofax Wochendeko KW 47 / 2017 Doctor Who - PĆ¼ppilotta Schokominza
  20. Plan With Me: Burgundy Leftovers in my Filofax - AennePlans - Aenne Plans
  21. Wochendeko KW 47 - Filofax Original Navy - Nixxes
  22. Mein Filofax 2018 - Andreas Kilhey
  23. Filofax A5 Plan with me Nov. 27, Ft. Scribble Prints Co. - Nichelle Davis
  • For tips on how to improve your videos, please see this post.  Also this video too Webfinds 
  • Your Filofax/Organiser Videos could appear in this list, just contact philofaxy at gmail dot com to be added to our monitoring list. 
My Week Posts
  1. Plan With Me - Sam Alderson

Free For All Tuesday No. 356

So what questions or discussion points have you got for us today?

It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or a more experienced user of organisers, we want to hear your thoughts, questions, opinions etc.

Make today the one day you post a comment or a question.

It is Tuesday after all so fire away.

27 November 2017

Carpe Diem by Simple Stories - A5 Organiser - Review

Last week we looked at the Carpe Diem Personal size planner boxed set. It is now time to look at the Carpe Diem A5 planner boxed set.

Like the personal size the A5 is available in a variety of sizes and colours.

The planner comes in a presentation style box with a clear lid (not shown here)

The reverse side of the box shows the full contents of the planner.

The A5 lays perfectly flat on opening it. It is fitted with 30mm internal diameter rings in a gold finish.  This gives the organiser plenty of capacity on the rings over and above the provided inserts.

The inside front cover features four card pockets of differing heights with a full height vertical slip pocket behind the card pockets.

On the rear inside cover is a notepad slot with a full height vertical slip pocket.

The month tabbed dividers come with different colourful designs on their front side.  

The inserts are true ISO A5 in size at 148 mm by 210 mm. 

Each month starts with a page for reminders and goals as well as birthdays etc

The week per view diary pages are undated with the week starting on a Monday. The design is simple and straight forward giving the owner plenty of scope to decorate the page if they so wish to do so. 

The month per view diary does have some decoration at the top of the page, but it doesn't intrude in to the useful large boxes for each day. There is a lined notes column on the edge of the right hand page, this is useful for recording information or noting down reminders.

A full notes page finishes off the monthly pages.

The boxed set is also supplied with three sheets of stickers of various designs to use in the planner.

Simple Stories products are sold world wide through a range of sellers. You can find your local one using the Store Locator on their website.

Thank you to Simple Stories for supplying the sample boxed set.

Further Information:

26 November 2017

A date for your diary - Sunday 3rd December

We are going to run another conference round-table voice/video chat using Skype.

When? - Sunday 3 December at the following times:
  • London 10:00 am, 
  • Paris 11:00 am, 
  • Brisbane 8:00 pm time.
Additionally we will be on line later in the day at the following times:
  • Los Angeles 8:00 am, 
  • Denver 9:00 am
  • Dallas 10:00 am, 
  • New York 11:00am, 
  • London 4:00 pm 
  • Paris 5:00 pm etc.  
The timing of these two sessions have been chosen to hopefully allow as many people to join in compared to previous round-tables.

Do not worry if you aren't available at the start of one of our sessions each one lasts 2-3 hours so pop up when you are available and say hello.

Where? - an on-line chat using Skype. with voice and video (if you wish)

What do I need? - just a micro-phone and some head phones(in ear phones work fine) and a free Skype account. Using headphones or earphone reduces 'echo' on the call. Video is optional, but a few of us will be on video as well.

Who - All of you... connect up with Philofaxy and we will attempt to get as many of us linked in to the audio conference as possible. Come and listen if you don't want to chat.  What do we talk about? Filofax stuff... but anything else as well. It's like long lost friends meeting up for coffee and a catch up.. but don't worry if you have never joined in before... you are an old friend too!

If you have any questions you want to ask then please let us know in the group or before we start.

How -
  1. Connect to Philofaxy by firstly searching for Philofaxy in Skype, I will then add you as a contact.
  2. Then  'Send Contact Request',  I will then add you in to the chat room. 
  3. Then if you request it, I can add you to the audio conference as well. But if you just want to chat via keyboard that's fine. That way it's slightly less hectic for me!  
Come and join in the fun, even if you only pop in to say hello... but don't be afraid to join in the discussion.

As with previous round-tables there will also be a parallel text chat room going at the same time as the voice conference, so you can listen to the voice chat and type if you wish, just mute your microphone in Skype

If you need any assistance setting up Skype, please pop a comment in this post and I will try and help you get one line. Skype is free for computer to computer calls....

Here is my post on how to improve your Skype audio with headphones or a headset.

Hope to be chatting with you on Sunday 3 December 2017.

25 November 2017

Web Finds - 25 November 2017

So I hope you have had a good week

So now it is time to enjoy a few blog posts from around the internet, so grab a drink and make yourself for our weekly round-up.

Here are some Philofaxy posts you might have missed this week:
  1. Web Finds - 18 November 2017
  2. Brand Stretch - How to save a Dodo - PlannerCon Europe
  3. Carpe Diem by Simple Stories - Personal Organiser
  4. Free For All Tuesday No. 355
  5. Web Finds - 21 November 2017
  6. Tell us about...... 18
  7. The Hitchhikers Guide to the Plannerverse - Episode 65
  8. Free For All Friday No. 471 by Anita
So here are the latest Filofax and other brand blog posts from around the Internet. Don't forget to leave a comment on the posts you enjoyed reading, all bloggers enjoy getting comments.
  1. PlannerCon Europe 2017 - Haul [video] - Lorelei Lee's Plan-Bar
  2. Monthly Insert in Personal - MyPrettyPaperDesigns
  3. TMN Podcast #2 ā€“ Ten Travel Tips to Make Your Trip Less Stressful - Time Management Ninja
  4. Did you know? Krause rings on Gillio organisers! - Blog | Gillio
  5. This one. The Mulberry Congo in the Personal size? Is it real? - Charmed Planner Life
  6. Lorelei Lee's Horizontal Planner 2018 - Lorelei Lee's Plan-Bar
  7. The To Do list - My Filofax Blog
  8. The Lazy Manā€™s Pomodoro Technique - According to Andrea
  9. Get a Grip on Your Process, or Give It Up - Getting Things Done
  10. Monthly Inserts in A5 - MyPrettyPaperDesigns
  11. Blooming Planner Pages - Mrs Brimbles
  12. Christmas | Gift Card with leather samples - Blog Vdsshop
  • We monitor over 400 blogs and sites, your Filofax/Organiser blog posts could appear in this list, just contact philofaxy at gmail dot com to be added to our monitoring list. 
  • We can not guarantee people will read your posts, but we know there is a higher chance of people reading your posts and returning to read other posts if you make them interesting with pictures and good hints and tips. Do not forget to give your posts a title... 
  • Your Filofax/Organiser posts could appear in this list, just contact philofaxy at gmail dot com to be added to our monitoring list. 

24 November 2017

Free For All Friday No. 471 by Anita

When I purchased my first Filofax back in 2009, I didn't know much about binders.
I had come across Philofaxy, but didn't start to really read much until some time later. After a bit of looking around, I managed to find a cherry personal Classic for the great price of around Ā£40 and starting to use it. Sadly after about 10 months of gentle use, I returned it to Filofax as it started to have the bubbling/cracking on the spine that some of the Classics seem to have. It was actually a blessing in disguise as Filofax agreed to replace it with a crimson Malden instead, which I realised was a model I much preferred. If I was buying my first Filofax now, I'm pretty sure that I'd get either a Kensington or a Winchester.

Would you still purchase the same first binder if you were just starting out now?

And as always as it's a Friday, please feel free to discuss anything ringbound planner related.
Have a great weekend.

23 November 2017

The Hitchhikers Guide to the Plannerverse - Episode 65

The Power of Habit. 

We all have habits, some good some not so good!

How can we change our habits to improve our planning, to help us meet our goals and targets.

If you have ideas for future episodes please send them to steve at philofaxy dot com

Show Notes (timings approximate)
00:00 - Introduction
01:00 - The Power of Habit - Charles Duhigg
03:00 - Planning consistently
04:00 - Examine your routines to look for improvements
05:00 - What isn't working?
07:35 - Don't make big changes
08:00 - Zen To Done: The Ultimate Simple Productivity System Book by Leo Babauta
10:00 - Don't try to take on too many changes, one step at a time.
11:30 - Zenhabits
14:00 - Habits that Steve has picked up that are a success
17:00 - Getting in the mood to do planning
20:00 - Give yourself some thinking time
21:00 - Steps to a goal
23:00 - Have a habits tab
25:00 - Write things down
26:00 - Showing what you have achieved, recording the tasks you have been working on.

Episode 65 -  The Power of Habit.

A direct download is also available here: Episode65.mp3

Show notes: A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf

NB: A5 is in A4 format so it can be scaled to suit A5 or A6 size. Personal is for printing direct on Personal size paper.

Presenters - Karine Tovmassian and Steve Morton
Editing and production - Steve Morton

Our Websites:
Karine: Plannerology, Karine Tovmassian (IG)
Steve: Philofaxy, Travellers Notebook Times, Mr Philofaxy (IG)
Naturally we would love to hear your feedback on the podcast. If you use iTunes please gives us your rating or reviews of the podcast.

If you want a quick link to all the podcasts remember: http://philofaxy.com/podcast/

Remember if you have liked this podcast, don't forget to like it, share it and subscribe to the podcast.

Previous Episodes:


64 - Planning for the end of the year - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
63 - Planning For Unexpected Life Events - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
62 - Staying in two sizes of planner - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
61 - Staying in one size of planner. - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
60 - Functional Planning - Macro and Micro Planning - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
59 - PlannerCon Europe - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
58 - Speeding up by slowing down - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
57 - To Do Lists and Diary Pages -  A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
56 - Hints and Tips on making planner videos - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
55 - Keeping up to date - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
54 - Interview with Jennifer Powell at PlannerCon - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
53 - Conferences and Meet Ups - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
52 - The Magic of Contextualising Your Life - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
51 - Guest Interview - Rose Orchard - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
50 - Organising your significant other - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
49 - Creating the ultimate planner - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
48 - Getting past New Years resolutions - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
47 - How to understand being a planner newbie - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
46 - Buying and Selling 101 - A5 docx pdf Personal docx pdf
45 - A5 or A6 - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
44 - End of Year - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf


43 - Digital Planning vs Analogue Planning - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
42 - Planning vs Organising - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
41 - Short and Long Term Planning - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
40 - Good and Bad Planner Habits - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
39 - Tackling Planner Size Change - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
38 - Self-Improvement or Personal Development - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
37 - What is productivity anyway - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
36 - The Planner Community - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
35 - Wellness Planner - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
34 - Listeners Question - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
33 - Pens and other writing instruments - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
32 - Proper storage, care and shipping of planners, rings etc - A5 docx pdf Personal docx pdf
31 - Guest Interview - Louise Umeki - Plannercon 2017 - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
30 - Form Following Function -  A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
29 - Seasonal To Do Lists - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
28 - Making and keeping annual goals - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
27 - Organising the family - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
26 - Guest interview - Theresa Hall - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
25 - Guest interview - Ray Blake - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
24 - Defining the important things from the urgent things - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
23 - Guest interview with Rita Sedani - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
22 - Printing your own inserts - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
21 - How to derail your planning system by over thinking - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
20 - Digital devices/services and your analogue planner - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
19 - What To Keep In Your 'Others' Tab - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
18 - Zombie Apocalypse Preparation - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
17 - Managing Finances In Your Planner - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
16 - Planning for those of us who actually can't live without planning, with guest co-host Carie Harling - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
15 - Automation NirvanaA5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
14 - Work Life Balance and Your Planner - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
13 - GTD Productivity And Using Your Paper Planner - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
12 - Job Seeking and Keeping - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
11 - Planner Fail -  A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
10 - Planner Hacks - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
9 - Planner Planning - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
8 - Choosing Inserts - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
7 - How do you carry your planner - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
6 - Planners on the go - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
5 - Why would you pay more than the price of a Filofax? - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
4 - Using Your Planner To Create Permanent Habit Changes - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
3 - Getting on with two or more planners - A5 docx pdf Personal docx pdf
2 - Where to start your planning journey and why - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf
1 - What size and why....  - A5 docx pdf  Personal docx pdf

22 November 2017

Tell us about...... 18

We are almost within touching distance of the end of the year.

Have you decided yet what diary inserts to use next year yet?

The same as this year or different?

Tell us in the comments below.

21 November 2017

Web Finds - 21 November 2017

So I hope you have had a good weekend.

So now it is time to enjoy a great collection of blog posts and videos from around the internet.

Meanwhile here are a selection of the latest Filofax videos for your enjoyment.
  1. First Plan with Me: Functional Planning - Teach_and_Plan
  2. Krissyanne Designs | Celebrations Binder #2 And Comparison | Functional Planning - GraceWithoutTears
  3. Erin Condren Haul | Functional Planning - GraceWithoutTears
  4. Van Der Spek touch me set up and how I plan - Terrah LeShay
  5. November Gillio Compagna Slim Setup - Shirley LewPlans
  6. Gillio Amica - November 2017 Setup - Teach_and_Plan
  7. Unboxing | GILLIO MEDIUM COMPAGNA CROCO EYE IN GREY! - Diary Of A Planner Girl
  8. PlannerCon Europe 2017 - Haul - Lorelei Lee
  9. 2018 Planner Setup: My Lists Section (GTD) - Brandy Michelle Plans - YouTube
  10. Hobonichi Weeks vs Filofax Pocket Malden- Which Should I Choose? - Seaweed Kisses
  11. 2018 PLANNER SET UP | Franklin Covey Planner | ZWERG - Gisell Zwerg
  12. Current Functional set-up on my Filofax Malden / PeanutsPlannerco, Sewmuchcrafting, Mintedsugar - Tiffy Butter
  13. Hobonichi Weeks vs Filofax Pocket Malden- Which Should I Choose? - Seaweed Kisses
  14. My unboxing of my Filofax classic croc in personal - lisa cervantes
  15. Filofax classic croc in personal setup - lisa cervantes
  16. PWM Filofax Pocket Planner *Happy Thanksgiving* Week - Robin's Nest
  17. Come organizzo la mia agenda - Filofax Domino personal - Antonietta Agostini Books
  18. 2017/2018 Purple Filofax Pocket Malden Setup ft. PPC Inserts | BusyMomGoingCrazy - BusyMomGoingCrazy
  19. Functional Plan With Me Personal Filofax 11/20/17 - 11/26/17 - PlansMeetPaper
  20. Mein Filofax - Svenja mcbee
  • For tips on how to improve your videos, please see this post.  Also this video too Webfinds 
  • Your Filofax/Organiser Videos could appear in this list, just contact philofaxy at gmail dot com to be added to our monitoring list. 
My Week Posts
  1. Plan with me || Apple pickin - Karen's Obsessions

Free For All Tuesday No. 355

So what questions or discussion points have you got for us today?

It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or a more experienced user of organisers, we want to hear your thoughts, questions, opinions etc.

Make today the one day you post a comment or a question.

It is Tuesday after all so fire away.

20 November 2017

Carpe Diem by Simple Stories - Personal Organiser - Review

At PlannerCon Europe a few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of meeting Sherman Crowell and his team who are the owners of Simple Stories based in Utah, USA.

We had a couple of discussions over the weekend which resulted in them agreeing to sending me some samples of their planners to review.

Their range is quite large covering not only ring bound planners, but also coil/spiral bound and travellers notebook styles too. The covers come in plain colours and a variety of patterned ones too, so there is something for everyones tastes I would say.

Their range includes a selection of inserts, stickers and other essential accessories, which you can purchase for your Carpe Diem planner or other brand of planner/organiser.

So this is the first of two reviews that are coming up in the next week or two.

We start with the Personal size organiser boxed set in Mint Vintage Floral design.

The planner comes in a presentation style box as shown here.

The reverse side of the box details the full contents with illustrations as well.

Removing the planner from the box

And then removing the card contents band to get a closer look at the design. 

The planner is made from a simulated leather, it appears to be well made and will wipe clean should you get any spills on it or a drink leaking in your bag etc. 

The design is continuous on to the reverse of the planner cover.

The interior is finished in a complementary colour.

The rings measure 26mm internal diameter (just over 1 inch in old money!) they are gold coloured finish. The ones fitted to the sample closed with a reassuring snap with no ring gaps or mis-alignment.

The front inside cover features a secretarial pocket along with three card pockets of different heights for business cards and other essentials you might want to carry.

The rear inside cover has a notepad slot with a full height slip pocket behind it. There is also a fully elasticated pen loop behind the clasp in a matching colour.

The organiser comes with a full set of inserts. These are undated, they include enough weekly inserts to cover 60 weeks, as well we 12 months of month per view inserts.

As you can see the design is simple and functional leaving you plenty of scope to decorate the pages if you wish to do so or just to use them as they are.

They allow equal space for each day which is always a plus point for me, with a notes section at the end of the week.

It is important to note that the inserts measure 172mm high by 103mm wide, this is in common with other USA organiser page sizes. Filofax page size is 171mm by 95mm, so the Carpe-Diem organiser will take wider page sizes if you wish to use them.

Whilst the weekly pages are Monday start, the monthly ones adopted a Sunday start. I know some people that prefer this combination rather than Monday or Sunday start for both.

The Monthly pages do have a small amount of decoration at the top of the page. But they allow the full use of the daily boxes and there is also plenty of space in the final column for notes too.

Each monthly tabbed divider has a different design on it.

Also each month is preceded by a page with notes and reminders for the month, birthdays etc. 

The monthly tabs are a generous size which will help you finding a particular date or day to add notes and reminders quickly. 

The insert set comes with three pages of stickers, quite a mixture of useful ones for highlighting events and tasks on different days. Additional sheets of these are available from the on-line store. 

Simple Stories products are sold world wide through a range of sellers. You can find your local one using the Store Locator on their website.

Thank you to Simple Stories for supplying the sample boxed set.

Further Information: