03 September 2024

Free For All Tuesday - No. 709

What questions or discussion points have you got for us today?

It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or a more experienced user of organisers, we want to hear your thoughts, questions, opinions etc.

We are here to answer your questions.

Make today the one day you post a comment or post a question. If you are commenting as 'Anonymous', please include your name in the text of your comment. 

It is Tuesday after all, so fire away with any questions and comments.

If you are commenting below, please include your first name at the end of the comment. Thank you. 


  1. During the last Sunday Philofaxy telemeet, the topic of availability of organisers in shops came up briefly. I muttered about the tired Filofax displays in WH Smith.

    This weekend, I popped in to my local branch, and found a sad assortment of binders (mostly Saffianos and Dominos). Some were discounted, as it's nearing the end of the year. On closer inspection, these had 2022 diary inserts. I looked further, and found others dated 2019. And then, the piece de resistance, a red Metropol Pocket, in a cardboard box sleeve, dated 2013. So this must have been in store since 2012; twelve years. If they hang on to it until 2030, the diary will correctly aligned again...

    In slightly happier news, I found an even older binder, ironically, a WH Smith own brand Personal Organiser, 'Standard Size', in recycled (aka bonded) leather, in a charity shop, for £1. As new, unused, still in cellophane wrapping and wrapped paper label, with a full set of inserts, including a 2000 diary. Though the £4 voucher mentioned on the paper label was not to be found... The lining is synthetic, and thermally, or ultrasound welded to the outer. No pockets, but a (riveted) Koloman Handler (now part of the Ring Alliance) ring mechanism. Flatability isn't great, but, for the field manual use I hope to put it to, should be fine.


    1. What is the oldest Filofax you have found for sale in a local store..... has a new leader!

  2. Hi there,
    does anyone know whether Filofax takes part in the yearly Black Friday offers?
    By the way, I asked Filofax UK about the availability of the new Malden burgundy and they said it can be bought via the UK site at the end of September. That's kind of strange as it is already available on the other, international Filofax websites/-shops.

    1. They do, Fri 23rd Nov 2022 it was 25% off everything as I recall, Fri 24th Nov 2023 30% off everything except leather organisers. I don't remember before those dates and I have no knowledge as to their plans for 2024.

  3. Thank you! I am thinking about buying the red Malden (which is available on the UK website from today and not, as I was told via email, by the end of September) but what if they do a x% off everything? Decisions, decisions! ;-)

  4. Hello! I ordered an original in the A5 size. I got it on eBay. I was wondering if there were any tips on how to clean the cover. I also got a breast cancer edition. It is in a dark pink shade. I couldn't find much info in a basic Google search. I was looking to be pointed in the direction of some info about it's release year and color name. Thank you!

    1. Is the breast cancer edition this one? https://www.iamtypecast.com/2010/10/pink-friday-3-filofax-friday.html

    2. This isn't it. It's an original and it's got a ribbon imprinted on the left hand side bottom corner.
