18 June 2013

Free For All Tuesday No. 124

Tuesdays are your chance to ask any Filofax related questions you might have.

So fire away and we will collectively try to answer your questions or offer opinions.

Don't forget that our dear friends over at 'Write At Home' are offering Worldwide Shipping Free until the end of June. Check out their website today.


  1. I hope this question doesn't upset some of you. Has anyone ever had a leather Filofax dyed? I've had shoes dyed successfully. Wondering if it would work here.

    1. I've been considering doing something similar with a brown pocket of mine. I would like to change it to black.
      I've been looking at some of the shoe dyes on line but some reviewers don't give very good reports on some products, they report the new colour peeling and having to repeat the process.
      Obviously it's only really possible to do darker in colour and going from one colour to another can sometimes get quite mixed results.
      If you are considering doing this I suggest you test the dye on a part of the organiser that won't often be seen first. Such as the inside of the clasp may be.

    2. I have dyed brown shoes black in the past.

      There are two products really, leather paint/restorer which sits on the surface and leather dye which penetrates. To use proper leather dye you need to strip all polishes and waxes off the leather so that it can absorb completely.

    3. Natalie, do you have any product names please

  2. I'm thinking of getting a filofax. One thing has been keeping me up until now from getting one as opposed to using a traditional notebook calendar: Isn't it unhandy to write on the left side, or the back side, of a page? You know, when you're right handed and you want to jot down notes next to the binder rings on the left side? Or do you take the page out to do so?

    1. if you're concerned about the rings getting in the way, there are compact filofaxes with much smaller rings that shouldn't get in the way.

      Personally I dont find the rings get in the way at all on my filofax but I do write at a weird angle (i tend to write up the page rather than across it so I turn the paper to suit... and therefore my hand is below the writing not next to it)

    2. Instead of putting your diary/calendar at the front of the Filofax, put it in the middle section. You are going to navigate to it with a tabbed ruler of just tabbed insert anyway, so it doesn't matter that it's not at the front.
      Then keep information pages you don't use a lot at the front, addresses, reference stuff like birthday dates etc, and keep cards and other things at the back.

      This makes the papper fall evenly, with both sides approximately the same height. It also means that anything that you keep in the front or back pockets doesn't create a bumpy writing surface because it's are padded by the reference pages.


    3. I do as Natalie has suggested and that is working well for me. No bumping into the rings.

    4. I do as Natalie has suggested and that is working well for me. No bumping into the rings.

    5. I am a leftie. Sometimes, if I am doing alot on the page, it's easier to take it out. other times, it stays in.

    6. You get used to it and it's not a big deal. I do make my own diary pages and I put those on the right side. I put notes on the back. Sometimes, if I'm writing a lot, I take the page out of the binder and write on it and then put it back. But most of the time I just write on it as is. It's not a big deal.

    7. I've never found the rings a problem. I also follow Natalie's system of having the diary in the centre of the binder. Apart from anything else, if I'm writing on the left hand side of the rings with the diary at the front, I'm pressing straight onto the uneven surface created by all the debit/business cards, stamp books, future train tickets etc which 'live' in the front.....

    8. Thanks for all the ideas! I guess I'm going to also put the calendar in the middle of the filofax, that should work out fine!

  3. I hope it's okay if I post it here. I will be receiving Franklin Covey 2ppd inserts in a few days, but haven't got a binder to fit them in. I'm looking for a binder with 1.25 inch rings. I'd love the Aurora, but since they are hard to find, I would like a Veronica. I remember quite a few Philofaxy members bought one a few months ago when they were on sale. I've asked every member I could think of, but haven't found one yet. Is there anyone who has one for sale?

    1. I wanted to add I'm looking for a compact.

    2. The FC inserts also fit the personal Malden.
      I have a not-very-pretty black/darkgreen Exacompta binder in faux leather, that has the same size as the FC binders. You could have it for free, since it's currently unemployed and bored out of its head ...

      Another perfect fit: the Daytimer Malibu binders. I reviewed the raspberry pink one, but they are available in different colours. Also seen one or two on Adspot.
      I also have a black FC binder with a snap and huge rings. Real leather, but nothing fancy. I think there are some pics on Flickr?
      Well, you know my email address....!

    3. Ling the Veronica binder has slightly smaller rings, 1.125 ( 1 1/8 inch) not 1.25 ( 1 1/4 inch). It sounds small but I found it made a big difference. Franklin Covey binders are very firm, not flexible like Filofax binders. In flexible Filofax binders you can overstuff them, but the FC binders are limited by how many pages you can put on the rings with no bending of the covers. I found the slight difference in ring size made a significant (to me) difference in how many pages I could put on the rings.

    4. Ling I have several FC compacts that I will sell. If you would send me your email, I'll send pictures. The reason I'm selling is because I am Filo convert (ok fanatic) after many many years of FC.

    5. I sent you aa e-mail Jotje.

      Laurie, thanks for the info. I can't believe I never noticed. I have been looking at the Veronica on FC's website for so many times and the info is right there, but I always read it as 1,25 inch.

      Susan, it's lingsfilo(at)gmail(dot)com.

    6. Susan I might be interested in FC compact and/ or classic binders with larger rings. Looking for at least 1.25 or 1.5 in a compact and 2" in a classic, snaps preferred over zip. I'd like to see pictures too (first choice to Ling of course). Email pictures to cherylbalmas@yahoo.com. Thank you. I gave all my large ring FC binders away and now regret it :(

    7. Laurie's right about the small difference in ring size making a huge difference. I have a Her Point of View compact binder with 1.25 rings. It actually only comes with 1" I think but I have a store in my area and they switched the rings to the bigger size.

      When the Veronica was on sale, I got one thinking the 1.125 would be ok. Nope. It sure wasn't. I'm used to 1.25 and the difference was huge. I have yet to use that Veronica. It won't hold everything and the rings feel too small.

  4. I'm one of the people who are really excited about the aqua Malden. My "problem" is that I already have 2 Filofaxes (personal size both) and I really don't need another one. I like the personal size a lot, but for the aqua Malden I was thinking to get it in A5. Or should I go with personal?

    What do you use your A5 Filofax for?

    1. You can never have enough! Lol!

      I have 2 personals and purchased a A5, sadly mine is sitting on the shelf collecting dust, but while I am on holidays I will be setting up my a5 as a 'life tracker' it will be left at home on my desk and record things like my plans for the week or that day and tasks that I have acomplished like, cleaned make up brushes, empty lint filter in dryer etc.

      It really depends on your lifestyle. I know many people use it as a family planner. I however am not a parent so my a5 will have my university work in it as well as all the daily odd jobs :)

    2. My A5 Finchley is used for all sorts of stuff.

      I keep my calendar in there, a lot of reference-materials, my GTD-lists, stamps, my two favorite pens, businesscards, notepad for scribling notes in meetings, inbox for receipts and bills that need prosessing and a whole host of other stuff.

      It probably weighs around 2 or 3 pounds (1-1,5 kg). I know its big, but I allways carry a bag with me anyway (Rickshaw Bags Commuter Laptop bag or a handmade leather satchel).

      I really love the fact that A4-sized paper fits in the A5 (by folding it in half). This is a deal-breaker for my use - I carry printed versions of some lists for work which has to be updated every-other week or so. Unfortunately my job requires me to use a system that doesn't work on iOS (iPhone/iPad), but I just print a copy and keep it in my FF for quick reference when I'm away from my work-computer.

      I'm getting increasingly into the fact that I have one planner for all my needs! And it's a really good feeling!

      Hope this helps!

    3. Speaking of the Aqua -- Steve - or anyone - is there any update at all on when they'll be released in the UK or the States? Has anyone seen a sample to know if the leather is lovely and buttery yet? Thanks!

  5. Hello everyone! I've been lurking for a few weeks. I will buy my first Filofax soon, and I've finally settled on the Personal size. The next issue is seeing if my local store will stock colours of the Finsbury, Fincley, or the Malden. I've always been looking at the Original. What would be the major differences between these models? What colours are expected this year? Should I hold out for the an aqua Malden? haha. Would most of the new stock and designs be coming in over the summer now? I live in North America, and the Filofax USA site has been a bit bare these days.

    I'm excited to be discussing more with everyone. It seems to be a very great community here. Thanks!

    1. Welcome! I'm in America, too, and the Filofax site has definitely been bare for a while.

  6. Have any of you tried the light weight paper from Smythson, A-5 or personal? Do the whole fit Filofax or is it better to buy the paper and punch your own. I looked in the Philfaxy archives and could find nothing on Smythson.


    1. Angela from Paperlovestory has a Smythson. I think they fit in Filofax.


  7. Hi All,

    I just found this site last night and am really pleased I did! I have been looking for all sorts of inserts that Filofax just don't do and I have found heaven here. I didn't realise that there was a files area and so took one of the diary files and cannibalised it to produce a Birthdays and Anniveraries list for my A5 Cuban. I wanted to share it on here as there isn't another like it. I hope you don't mind!

    Here is the file: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/106710040/Birthdays%20and%20Anniversaries%20Filofax.docx

