10 November 2009

Filofax templates

Creative Commons License
This work by Philofaxy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. Please download, adapt, use, share, but don't charge or use commercially.

Our Diary Inserts page has a large selection of files you can download and print yourself.

Reference Files
USA Letter/Half Letter (A5) Templates - Print in booklet mode for Half Letter size
A4/A5 Templates see here for details on printing
Personal Templates
Printing Personal Pages

Personal pages on plain A4 paper NEW

Personal Pages using Pre-punched A4 Filofax Computer Paper (all in pdf format)
A6 Templates

Pocket Templates on A4 plain paper

Pocket Templates on A4 plain paper NEW - With thanks to Mikael for these templates
  • Pocket Expenses .docx
  • Pocket Contacts .docx

Mini Templates on A4 plain paper - With thanks to Steve Y for these Mini templates

M2 Templates on A4 plain paper

Patis own templates
Dynamic Templates on DiY Planner

Genealogy Information Sheets (A4/A5)

The files area is hosted by Webfaction smarter web hosting. 

Files maintained by Steve, please report any broken links to philofaxy at gmail dot com

I've also been contributing to D*i*Y Planner for a while now. It's not exclusive to Filofax, but it's a great site for sharing ideas.


    1. Thank you so much Steve! I need to figure out how to adjust these for my personal filofax. To me that its only downfall :0/

    2. Amanda
      Any particular ones you would like to see in Personal Size as well as A5?

    3. Katrin, I've added the one I use to create my own templates.

    4. Steve, Thanks for arranging these stuff at one place.

      Cv Template

    5. Jeg vil godt kunne printe min google kalender ud, så den passer i min filofax personal kalender.
      Jeg har købt den rigtige papir, hvor der er plas til 3 dage på hver ark.

      hvordan gør jeg det? er der en skabelon jeg kaan download?

    6. The problem with the download from Google Calendar is that it is in a fixed format which does not match the aspect ratio of Filofax Personal size.

      It is possible to make Google Calendar pages fit A5 and A4 Filofaxes.

    7. Hi Steve,

      I'm a teacher and would love to see a 'mark book' template for my A5 filofax. It would look like sqaured paper, just with the first 'column' wide enough for a name to be written. At the top, there would be a deep row in which to write the task the mark is for sideways e.g. Osmosis test. A nice touch would be if every second row was shaded, so that scanning across was enhanced.
      Great resource here - thank you!!

      1. Hi Lisa
        Great idea, can you post a link to a drawn out example on the File Request page: http://philofaxy.blogspot.com/p/file-requests_25.html

        Also what size would you like the pages in?


    8. excellent resource - do you have a 2013 a4 year planner ? (i'll trifold it for my a5 filofax).

      1. Hi,
        Yes look on this page: http://philofaxy.blogspot.com/p/diary-inserts.html


    9. OK, I'm new to this and might be asking the obvious, but if I'm printing the menu planner in personal size on A4 is there a way of getting more than one on the page, so I'm not wasting large amounts of paper cutting out?

      1. Hi and Welcome to Philofaxy...

        Personal size being 95mm in width, technically you can get three to a sheet of A4 side by side 3 x 95 = 285 mm , but this only leaves 12mm to play with and some printers will not let you have margins as thin as 6mm.

        But if as you need a left hand margin of 12 mm on each page you can arrange it so that the left hand page uses that margin as part of it's own margin. But the problem then is if you want to double side the page, you don't really want a 12 mm right hand margin on the other side.

        So generally people stick with two pages per sheet of A4....or I just print straight on to personal size paper myself. If you cut A4 in to three sheets of personal size paper then that will work.. and you don't have the funny margin issues either...

        If you get stuck don't be afraid to ask...


    10. Hello Steve,

      Many years ago , before Android and mobiles, I designed and marketed a very high quality, leather, personal binder - under the name of 'The PC Collection'.

      It contained a 6 hole, Filofax compatible, 6 ring mechanism.

      I still have my pristine personal copy.

      I have just discovered Google Calendar - which prints a mean Monthly Diary page on landscape A4 ... which when 'twice folded' fits my old binder EXACTLY.

      Any ideas for an hole punch - the Filofax offering appears to be 'gold plated !!!

      1. Hit on 'Punch' in the labels in the side bar, the first post in the list from January this year has a list of alternatives


    11. WOW!! Thank you for these...

    12. Thank you for these, they are great! I wonder in the future if you will be creating landscape personal size diary inserts WO2P 3 columns? I love the WHsmith version of this

    13. Thanks for all these Steve. I would like to have a go at doing some specific to my needs, and so can you tell me, do you use MSWord or Publisher, how do you print on both sides, and what quality paper do you use?


      Steve Yates

      1. Hi Steve
        I just use Word or LibreOffice to create the files. To print both sides our laser printer is fitted with a duplex adaptor, but if yours doesn't have that, then do the duplexing manually, first printing odd numbered pages, then even number pages.
        If I'm printing A5's I tend to use A5 paper which I buy from my local office suppliers If I'm doing Personal size, I tend to print on to Filofax plain paper, either the white or if you want slightly better quality the cotton cream paper.
        Have fun

    14. Hello Steve

      Would you have a templete for A4 filofax expenses? Thank you very much!

    15. Hi, I'm looking for an A5 checkbook register page that is vertical, not horizontal. I would like to print it on double side, letter size paper though. 8.5 x 11"

    16. Is there a link somewhere to a Word editable file for the Filofax Personal Printer paper?

    17. Steve thank you for this as I could not find this software anywhere else you have made it so easy for me to change addresses in my pocket filofax which were out of date.

    18. Hi Steve!
      I'm just wondering if the marking page mentioned in the comments ever came off. I'd like one in A5, with deep first row and first column and alternate rows darker..... but feel free to tell me to work it out myself, if you like!

    19. Hi Steve,
      Would you please add more mini templates? I really love these and it fits my small planner perfect!
      I would really appreciate it.

      1. Give me some clues as to the sort of templates you would like to see.

    20. Hi Steve
      Well done on all of this . you are so clever. I have got an old filofax with the 9 punch holes. Paid lots of money for it, but can't get an address book refill for it. Can you help please. Looked at your site, but only an A5 size, and its A4.. xx

      1. Hi
        What you havre I assume is a Deskfax, therefore take one of our files and print it at 84%. The files are A4 so that when they are booklet printed they become A5 pages.

    21. This is an amazing resource. I was going to buy templates. Thanksssssss.

    22. Wonderful templates, THANKS A LOT for sharing with the filofax community.

    23. I love the planner and was excited to see this site but these files DO NOT print A5 so I can fit in my planner. Even after changing the print to A5 print selected the pages are printing either on top of each other or on one page. Wish someone would have posted how to print them. Oh well nice idea just something that's not workable for me.

      1. Yes they will if you follow the instructions on printing the files:


        The files are A4 so that if you booklet print they come out as A5 pages.

        Or if you are printing on to A5 paper, set the paper size on your printer to scale to A5 and they should print correctly

      2. Thanks Steve tried your suggestion still not a good print so I am just going to stick with purchasing pre mades.
        But I appreciate you getting back to me.

      3. It will be something to do with your printer set up then/computer set up.

    24. how do I punch the holes for the mini templates?

      1. Use a pocket punch, the hole spacing it the same, and Mini inserts are the correct size to not be impacted by the 6th punch in a pocket punch.

    25. Love this website, the official inserts are a rip off! So I bought 1000 sheets of A5 paper and a 6 hole punch. I can then print what ever I need for a lot less money. Thank you soooooo much

      1. Thank you. I also tend to print all my own inserts these days. I can 'print on demand' that way! Likewise I buy good quality A5 paper locally here in France and it works out so much cheaper in the long term.

    26. I dont know how to download the docx files? The PDF ones work but not docx ones for the mini temps. Thanks!

    27. I can't figure out how to download the docx files for the minis. The larger sizes are pdfs and those work for me. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!!

      1. Clicking on the .docx it should download from the site, you might need to give permission to download from philofaxy.com before the download starts. PDF's generally open in the browser

    28. This is such an incredible resource, even after all these years! Thank you so much!
