- What are the delivery charges?
- Do they even offer overseas delivery?
On Line Ordering | International Delivery | |
UK | Yes | Yes/Value |
Australia | Yes | Yes |
Beligum | No | No |
Canada | No | No |
Czech Republic | No | No |
China | No | No |
Denmark | Yes | Yes/Weight |
France | Yes | Yes/Value |
Germany | Yes | EU only/Value |
Greece | No | No |
Hong Kong | Yes via Link | Yes/Individual order basis |
Italy | Yes | Yes/Value |
Japan | No | No |
Korea | No | No |
Netherlands | No | No |
New Zealand | No | No |
Norway | Yes | Yes/Value |
Portugal | No | No |
Singapore | No | No |
Spain | No | No |
Sweden | Yes | Yes/Value |
Switzerland | No | No |
Taiwan | No | No |
UAE | No | No |
USA | Yes | USA, Canada Only/Value |
Why are so many sites just like a shop window and you can't order from them? It's because in those countries they are only distributors and they aren't allowed to sell direct to the public.
The sites that do offer on-line ordering I think are subsidiaries of the main Filofax UK company.
We can also recommend City Organiser for very reasonable prices and a sensible policy on delivery charges
Re: Filofax Canada. Our online shop is actually the US shop. And it is deucedly hard to find Filofaxes in bricks & mortar shops, too, especially since there seems to be no real list of retailers anywhere.
ReplyDeletethere is an option in filofax to find a store type where you are and numerous stores will appear
ReplyDeleteWhy the HECK are the binders at filofaxshop.com.au so expensive? AUD 100.00 for a Metropol? AUD 780.00 for a Deco?